Building new system starting with power amp. What would you choose ?

This is not how it usually happens, but what if you simply must have a particular amp and then move with upgrades in both directions? Let's assume that the only source will be RTR deck, so no preamp will be needed.
The price about $15k new or used ?
This is a hypothetical exercise, I am personally not prepared for that yet. However, it would be, theoretically, perfect minimalist audiophile set-up. 
I myself would probably choose either Lamm monoblocks or Gryphon stereo power amp, both used of course.
A ZOTL amplifier of David Berning....

No question, what else?

It is the only tube amplifier, with almost illimited tube life, no heat, and the qualities of tube amplifier+ S.S. design.... Price at low level /high quality

Pairing them with a pair of speakers i dont know which to chose yet...
Good luck with that i will always have great preamp(Audia Flight Stremento #1 mk2) and tube phono stage(TW ACUSTIC RPS 100).
Gryphon is what immediately came to mind as soon as I read your notional budget. The Diablo is hard to beat for overall sound quality in a neat package, especially if you have no desire to fuss with tubes. Solid state really doesn’t get any better at that price point.

I personally might do an Ayre or a D'Agostino.  however, I'd definitely have speakers in mind.

What I normally suggest people listen to are:

  • Ayre
  • Luxman
  • Pass
  • D'Agostino

This gives a nice spread of amps and sound qualities.  Luxman and D'Agostino more similar than not, Pass and Ayre taking decidedly different approaches.

If I was going to use a high efficiency Klipsch, Tannoy or Altec type of set up Pass would be high on my list, but honestly I tend to stick to small footprint conventional multi-way speakers. Wilson's being among the largest I'd consider.