What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen.

I was flipping through the accessory pages at the Cable Company and came up with this https://www.thecableco.com/hallograph.html You have to be kidding me. Of all the dumb, idiotic, profoundly stupid things I have ever seen. The marketing is even better! Have you seen anything worse! It is up to us to uncover these things for what they are, SCAMS.

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"But dont forget that all ordinary humans are mostly trustful...."

Apparently experiments from the first part of the last century have shown that some 20% of the population are highly suggestible.

These are the kind of folk a hypnotist will usually seek out to join them on stage for the entertainment of everyone else.

More disturbingly it seems to also indicate that at least 1 in 5 of us is constantly ready and willing to believe virtually anything we are told.

Especially  when it's by a person with some conferred authority.

Funnily enough there also seems to some 20% of folk who are not suggestible and unlikely to change their minds in any eventuality. I'm sure most of us have known the odd family member that was like that.

Of course I'd like to see myself as someone that's not so suggestible and only prepared to rely upon reason and data (ie in the middle group of 60%) but I know I'm not.

Not when it comes to audio (and certainly not when it comes to judging people but that's another story).

I've had my fair share of cognitive dissonance when it came to purchasing various bits and bobs over the years.

Every CD player that I bought was progressively more expensive and more worshipped by the audio press than its predecessor, and yet for some reason my mind recently has been going back to that cheap machine my friend borrowed me back in the late 90s when I was in-between decks.

I've WhatsApped him to see if he still has it - he might have as he's a bit of a hoarder.

If so I'd love to hear it again and compare it to my current player (Marantz CD6000ki) just to see how the two compare.

Everything tells me that the Marantz simply must be better and yet....I still remember, some 20 years later, of having being pleasantly surprised every time I'd put that machine on.

I seem to think it was an Aiwa (I hardly paid any attention to it at the time as I was then in the search for something far far better - or so I thought) but hopefully my friend will be able to find it and confirm it.
Apparently experiments from the first part of the last century have shown that some 20% of the population are highly suggestible.
This is an underestimation...

Most human more than half, are very suggestible, it is a characteristic of human being..Socialization of the entity in the herd ask for that...(for sure my estimation is anecdotal)

Hypnosis is not all there is about suggestibility and the way to assess it....Political gatherings illustrate very much the way the herd mentality, with his target scapegoats, the mass suggestibility are the rule...
Funnily enough there also seems to some 20% of folk who are not suggestible and unlikely to change their minds in any eventuality
And this phenomenon of a mind closed to suggestion and appearing unmoveable is also an illusion.... People in a cult, scientific one or religious one, are unmoveable and apparently non suggestible anymore...They seems non suggestible but it is an illusion that is created after a deep conditioning of their brain in the past....Often being the most conditioned they neede a deprogramming but they cannot be awaken without risk like the sleepwalkers....

Of course I’d like to see myself as someone that’s not so suggestible and only prepared to rely upon reason and data

Relying on reason and data is way more difficult than people think generally...

What is a data? What is reason?

When Goethe contradicted the metaphysical corpuscular and mathematical theory of colors and light of Newton , he was relying on concrete phenomena and reason... Newton has his own nore ambitious goal tough: a complete optic theory...Except Newton theory was abstract and not founded in the biological and natural phenemonomogy and physiology of the experience... Newton and Goethe were rational and the 2 vouch for datas....Goethe was without the mathematical conditioning of Newton... He foundeed the physiology of perception and another perspective about what is science...He was the Faraday of life phenomenon, but the Maxwell of biology never emerge after him, we gain Darwin a genius in his own way... it is only today that Goethe is vindicated after the death of some aspects of the Darwinian paradigm..... 😊

In audio like you, i was not rational at all.... I only wanted my Hi-Fi experience at all cost.... But without money... 😁 This is not rational, this is an obsessive dream...

I succeeded with a 500 bucks audio system to create a S.Q. on par or better than all i have known to this day....It is not the best, but so good that i dont give a damn about the best anymore...

I discovered in the last years of my audio journey that audiophiles are very suggestible group , not because they are insensitive to science facts like said the "scientism" of some engineer, but because they think that Hi-Fi experience is linked to PRICE and HYPE....

But the suggestibility of mass consumerism put blinders on the thinking brain, they chase their tail instead of learning HOW to listen not only music but sound and HOW to embed what they already own... Not knowing how to install their own system in his 3 working dimensions, they are frustrated and go on upgrading forever...

The engineer who create the design sells and market them like a perfect gear that we only have to connect to reach paradise... 😁

I know for sure that all that is half truth worst than a lie....Without embedding controls in their mechanical,electrical and acoustical dimensions, any Hi-Fi product work way under his S.Q. potential, unbeknownst to the customers who will wanted to upgrade sooner than later....

It is not data or reason that give me this experience and belief.... It was poverty and the impossibility to upgrade much....

My only 2 ressources was my listening ears and creativity.... Here creativity was better than reason and superior to it, and my listening ears way better than the so called given "data"....

My best to you and thanks for your patience with my lenghty post....