For those that use an external DAC with node 2i

Please describe the shortcomings of the node2i dac, as well as what to specifically expect to hear as an improvement with a truly better (not just different and external dac). My node seems to have what I'd call a bit dark smoothed sound. Cymbals seem a bit faint, but trying another dac that presents a more forward louder cymbal seems to sound less recessed and smoothed; thereby exchanging a bit of dark(warm?) smooth depth for more forward brighter presence that is more forward enveloping but with less depth. It's weird, because depending upon the song one may sound better than the other. I'm not sure which sound is truly more accurate, or even which one I prefer consistently, but I would like to make a choice and start listening to my music instead of critically analysing each component back-and-forth. Perhaps I'm not using enough of a drastic improvement dac, but I'd like to figure that out too. I do realize a lot of what sounds better to one person is different than what another likes, but so far, I'm leaning towards the dac where the cymbals seem louder/brighter even though it's at the expense of what seems to me to maybe be a darker smoother (illusory lower noise floor?).
Also, I was unable to level match this comparison,  so that adds another variable. The external dac I compared to the node 2i was an old parasound zdac version 1. Perhaps if I sampled a higher end dac like a denafrips or an Ayre coda, etc. I'd see what direction was better for a reference point, but if anybody here has actually done their own evaluations, I'd welcome your input, experience and perspective. Thanks.
If you play your own(ed) music through it you won’t have to be all jasombourne52 about it.
It is still much easier than monkeying around with physical media. I use both. The SQ is different with every DAC depending on the resolving power of your whole system and the "discernment" of your musical enjoyment.
You want Zuiljans go ESL. 
It is ~ a $100 DAC. I have one.  
Compare apples to apples.
You can not be certain of the source of the music available streaming. That is why I only listen to physical media.

But you're certain of the source of the physical media?  Okay.

On topic - If you'd like an improvement over the sound quality of the Node 2 then an external DAC can help, but my experience was that replacing it with a better quality streamer/DAC (the TEAC NT-505 in my case) resulted in better sound quality than adding a DAC.  As a point of reference, I tried an Auralic Vega (which cost more than the TEAC), a Mytek Liberty, and the excellent DAC in my Sony TA-ZH1ES headphone amp.  

You can not be certain of the source of the music available streaming. That is why I only listen to physical media.

while this is true, in my experience, this is not an impediment to thoroughly enjoying streamed music via top tier streaming services


you and i disagree on this point of relative importance of streamer vs dac in sound quality -- my take is so long as you have a stable wifi/ethernet connection and a decent dedicated streamer (value leaders are bluesound node 2i, w4s modded sonos, elac discovery) and a decent digital cable, the dac drives 80-90% of the nature of sq

@jjss49 ,
You have raised good points.
 I'm not sure which sound is truly more accurate, or even which one I prefer consistently
I can understand your dilemma, but when you get things 'dialed in', you will know for certain.
At this point, I think it would help if you provided the equipment you are using and what DAC's you tried. It might help us determine where a potential 'bottleneck' is.
I am by no means an expert on digital and streaming, but I have done a bit of trial and error. I also used the Bluesound Node until a couple of weeks ago. I used it with the Ayre Codex.
When I visited my dealer, Audioconnection, Johnny A/B'd the Node internal DAC with the Codex. It was a no-brainer that the Codex offered a significant improvement.
-Referring to the quote above:
It wasn't that I could say it was more accurate, but that I found the music more engaging. Engaging is what makes me want to listen.
I am using the Node 2 and I more recently added the Chord Qutest.  My local store never says this is better than that.  They just send me home with the item and I plug it into my system in my environment.  It was my wife that was quick to hear improved detail and better soundstage.   I also enjoy it and have no regrets about spending the additional dollars.

I actually prefer the ritual of vinyl of sometimes it just isn't convenient so I am glad I upgraded.