What 50wpc or higher amps have a totally different sound from Pass Labs, in a good way?

I have pass labs xa30.8, it’s awesome, but have no idea what’s considered it’s yin to the pass’s yang sonically?
At the level you are talking, there really isn’t a yin/yang just preferences of nuance. Going to a tube amp would possibly be considered a yin/yang, (SS vs valve) but the 30.8 is a pure class A amp so even with that more of a preference thing over a yin/yang.
A Sumo Polaris would be an interesting comparison to a Pass! Designed by James Bongiorno. 120 wpc A/B. His amps emphasised beauty over a stark, clinical sound! I have an Andromeda, along with two older Sons.
Ayre on one hand, and Luxman on the other are good counter points.

Listen for yourself.
Ya know, the XA ".8" amps sound different from the older X ".5" version amps, and a little different again up and down the range.  Or, some  variations in FirstWatt or even older Threshold. Depends on what speakers you have too, right?  

What type of change in sound are you looking for, if you have an idea...What's missing or what are you wanting more or less of in sound?