I'm struck that this thread exploded in all the tedious controversy & name-calling so many threads do. WTF?
It's a pretty straightforward topic by OP. Here's my answer:
-- in the mid-'80s when Infinity was coming on like gangbusters, I bought one of their cheaper floorstanders w/planar tweeter & a 10" polypropylene woofer. Not only was this thing brighter than hell, but that woofer audibly "bounced" like a medicine ball hitting a trampoline. Awful speakers
-- and a couple years ago, in the dying twilight of my attempts to use powered monitors for music. I got a pair of Yamaha HS7 powered monitors modded by ZenPro. I burned them in faithfully, then put them in the desktop system where they sounded like ass immediately & forever. I didn't last 2 days--yanked 'em out & put back in whatever I had previously.
No amount of money paid is worth sonic suffering after...