Modified vintage CJ preamp vs. new one

I have a vintage Conrad-Johnson PV11 preamp which I had modified by the company with Teflon caps.
I like the sound of it.
As a matter of curiosity I’d like opinions as to whether it would be an improvement if I were to replace it with a new CJ model.
   "...i have not heard it... but i would suspect the et6 would be substantially better than a many many gens old pv11, caps upgraded or not... the pv11 would be substantially more honey colored, less resolving less impactful on transients, throwing a more muddled stage..."

I would lean this way also.   
It’s entirely possible that the ET 6 will sound better, but the modified PV 11 is pretty clean and definitely does not sound muddled especially as it is paired with a Benchmark AHB2 amplifier.

benchmark has an extended, clean and lean house sound... your older cj pre may have a great synergy with it

so if it ain’t broken...

as for what an et6 could do in its place... only one way to find out, right?  😆

good luck!
There does not seem to be a lot of feedback , or reviews in regard to the ET6 available. I am also curious how the ET6 compares to the ET3 and even other vintage CJ preamps.

For what its worth,  I own the Classic 2SE and after demoing that and a non SE ET3 in a 50k plus system I thought the Classic with Teflon caps  sounded better.