Subwoofer xover settings for KEF LS50W (orig model)

Yes I did search and did not see much. I figures others have done this so I'd simply ask as see if anyoen has advice. The LS50W go quite a bit lower than the regular LS50s so I'm thinking of setting the low pass xover at maybe 50hz. But I can high pass as well thru the KEFs. So I figured I'd ask here what other have done with these active speakers in terms of a low and high pass settings. Looks like KEF defaults to just a low pass 80hz which seems high. 

Also I plan to use the sub settings via the KEP app but could obviously do much of this via the REL B1 sub as well. Thx
Over and over again agoners who do this say :

"Wow, when I switched from 40Hz to 80Hz I got so much more transparency and midrange clarity, it’s amazing. "

Plug your main speakers, if they are ported and raise the crossover frequency.
yep. I use 80Hz for my mid-fi (2 way bookshelves with 5 inch woofers....not LS50x) and it soounds pretty great at 80Hz. I sometimes cross at 100Hz but that sound quality is very dependent on the music...
Thx guys, 

Do you run the LS50W full range or set the KEF high pass close to where the low pass is set? 
i run all program to my sub which paasses everything above 80Hz to the bookshelf speakers which are run full range