590axii in the house

The 20 hour used 590axii showed up Saturday as I was getting ready to walk out the door to audition speakers.
Stopped in my tracks when I saw Fedex.  Got the amp unboxed and setup.  This thing is amazing - fit and finish is incredible.

I only have an old pair of Paradigms that I had to connect to get some listening in.  Even though Luxman says break-in is 450 hours, the sound is deep and rich with those speakers - I can't imagine how the sound will improve after break-in and better speakers.

Finding speakers to audition is gonna be more difficult than the amp, which I bought blind (there is only one Luxman in my entire state, a 509x which I didn't want).
I own the 590axii about a year now, and went from Totem bookshelves which I enjoyed, to the Harbeth 30.2, big improvement, clear and clean, but still with a nice touch of warmth with lushness. I Listen for hours. Enjoy. Let us know what you ended up getting. 
congrats - first experiences with real high end gear can be quite a thrill
@bgm11, you chose wisely. As a fellow owner, I can certainly relate to your excitement. One thing that I highly recommend is to swap the stock power cord with something nicer. I've tried Cerious Technologies Graphene and Audio Envy power cords and both made a huge difference in sound. Try it and you'll be surprised by how much more this amp can deliver.

Another thing to note is that, despite its class A rating up to 30 watts, the amp is fairly neutral, maybe a smidge on the warm side but barely so. This is good because speaker pairing gets a bit easier. I don't know your budget but Sonus Fabers tend to pair well. Look at their Olympica line, either the previous models or the new Novas. I also heard the amp with Harbeth SHL5+, and the sound was amazing.
The Luxman 590 ax2 is very good and nice looking with the meters ,
for overall purity ,accuracy of the musical signal I found the latest Coda integrated a fantastic Best Buy at $6500 retail and. Will easily meet or beat any 
integrated in the $10k and under range ,just look under the hood ,and with the V1
option,3  to choose from. 18 first watts into pure class A,  then 150-300 wpc
Built like a tank a 3k transformer , and over 80 k in capacitance ,a totally seperate Amplifier ,and pure class A preamp all under the hood and a solid 10 year warranty, 5 year transferrable.