I’m curious how intellectual understanding can impact the spontaneous reaction to music/sound that occurs on a non-intellectual level.Acclimating our soul to another soul through biography or essays is not only an intellectual work or even mainly an intellectual one... It is mostly a contextualization of another soul..A way to link our journey on earth to another one journey... If you stay only on an intellectual level in reading you will miss the task...
If an interval "feels" unpleasant to us, it’s not clear to me how understanding the composer’s intention can affect the interval’s "energetic charge" -- it’s effect upon our metabolism.Understanding the composer intentions participate of this contextualization of his soul...And to the contextualization of your own listening interpretating soul at our own time....
I will give you an example because it is easier to give an example...
When i listen Schoenberg atonalism music i feel a strange out of this world emotion that is very powerful but that is not "metabolizable" by my spirit/soul/body organization ... The chords and colors feel are icy cold and invit me in some ethereal artificial world... It is interesting but not gripping in a transformative way for me...
No reading will modify that experience...
When i listened to the late works of Scriabin, on the fine line between tonality and atonality, the dynamic movement which withdraws me from this world and returns me there immediately after in a continual back and forth, dynamise all my creative spirit, in an uncontrolled enthusiastic surge toward the infinite, through my own being...
Reading about Scriabin, his intention, his superhuman wishes for humanity through his music illuminated his work.. Schoenberg was only a genius with his creation of atonality, Scriabin appeared before me like a Christ-like figure who used atonality WITHOUT making it a dogma and used it to transform humanity not to entertain it.....
But the main reason of my love for him was also the discovery of a rare pianist able to play him at the required level....Sofronitsky...
Then Schoenberg i may like him and admiring him... He did not touch me at all ...Like Stravinsky they are brain and genius only...I admire them and i know exactly why...
But Scriabin transform my life at each listening like Bach.... I love hin and i feel exactly why... For other reasons but related one in the history of occidental music, Bach and scriabin partake a concious masterful use of the colors tonal scale for the redemption of humanity at the limit of the tonal world but never completely out of it like Schoenberg...Schoenberg method is only new entertainment not alchemical transfrmation... The brain play the more important part in Schoenberg .... Thhe brain and the will play the more important part in Wagner.... With Beethoven, Scriabin or Bach the heart and the will play the more important part the brain come in third ....
But the first time i listened to Scriabin i only perceived a complex and uninteresting curtain of harmonies without melody...My ears/brain cannot proceed the information that was too powerful to be understood by the ears/brain/heart/will in the form of their complex initiated completely new interactive movements ...
I read much, i was also initiated by some musician in my younger years about him, that initiation kept my curiosity alive; i begun to understood slowly the promethean task behind Scriabin creation, which is not unlike Beethoven or Wagner ( that is more artificial in Wagner more natural in Beethoven ) and my complete listening of music was changed for ever....
I begin to perceive complete new dimensions in sounds colors.... Thanks to a patient curiosity and a slow investigation.... And i loved him spontaneously at the right mature moment of true discovery and enlightenment when the moment was right in the person of his greatest interpreter on piano...
Not loving something at some time only means that we are not ready sometimes....
Without Scriabin my musical life would have been way poorer...Because listening to a new colors perceived dimensions has no price...
I place Scriabin now next to the greatest composers of all times... Not under....