When is digital going to get the soul of music?

I have to ask this(actually, I thought I mentioned this in another thread.). It's been at least 25 years of digital. The equivalent in vinyl is 1975. I am currently listening to a pre-1975 album. It conveys the soul of music. Although digital may be more detailed, and even gives more detail than analog does(in a way), when will it convey the soul of music. This has escaped digital, as far as I can tell.
As soon as adequate isolation is used from ac to digital and digital to analog. It's a magical transformation. Cheers.
I tend to agree with Koplo above. A good setup, though always sounding subtly different, compared to a good vinyl setup, sometimes even betters it in subjective listening tests, EXCEPT for big orchestral classical music. Redbook, in what ever way it is processed, just cannot do it here to my ears. Neither can SACD nor can HiRes files.
However with voices, chamber music or jazz combos, in a well set up computer rig, the soul is definitely there.
If even then you cannot hear it, the reason for it lies not in the music, but elsewhere.
When I had my Oppo modified only after 3 trips maybe 4 trips back to EVS was the upgrade done closer to my spec's but each time I had to cover the shipping and non of the error were my mine. I felt this was unfair to say the least. The player is still working and still supplying a sound like a pig getting killed by a knife thru the back of the neck or something. When turning off the OPPO unless the amplifier is off a very loud startling squeal sounds off thru the right speaker, I complained about this totally uncommon issue but was assured "everyone knows they are supposed to turn off their amplifiers before turning off the blu ray player, right, does everyone know that, I didn't think so. After being quoted an exact dollar amount for the work I requested after each and every time the layer was either sent back or personally delivered Ric asked for more money as though the original agreement was simply a piece of paper to light a joint on because it wasn't worth the paper it was written on. After paying for enough gas to drive to LA and back I decided enough was enough with the extremely shady operator who couldn't get the unit right the first time, the second time it sounded broken, the third time was a nightmare from hell and to this day I'm not sure what if any of the things I paid for were bought and installed. I was forewarned by a couple of people to NEVER do business with this complete idiot but having know this guy for many years I didn't think things could get any stranger but I was so wrong. Now I'm stuck with a piece of junk I've got over $2400 dollars in, so do yourself a favor and pass Ric by and have a person who knows how to treat other people do your upgrade, who needes all those hassles and for what, a bunch of pieces he makes by hand for next to nothing and he'll install a multitude of incorrect parts just so you'll have to send the darn thing back to you so he can figure a way to milk you like a cow if given the chance. Don't go there, you've benn forewarnd by a stupid buyer of his ridiculosly inexpensive upgrade that can or will take up to six months if he can get away with it. Totally unreommended.
Using even a half assed A to D converter a recorded LP is undistinguishable from the original play. This take time.

Then there's are the LampizatOr DACs. This take money.

The soul is there.
Last week I bought a Olive 06HD streamer. I also bought the brand new pure silver Audioquest Wild Blue Yonder with the new xlr connectors. I use a Purist Audio powercable with oyaide 004 connectors. This combination is stunning and one of the best analogue sound I ever heard from a digital source. In 2 weeks I will write a review about it!