Schumann Resonator

I got 2 of these from Amazon...careful that free returns are applicable.  I charged them up, turned them on and holy moly.....they do help with my system.   What I hear is between instruments, a definite difference in upright and electric bass, wider know...all the good stuff. At first I thought it might be increased brightness, but is still the same in that regard.  I still can't believe it, and will listen again tomorrow (saved the packaging for the return)...but today, I'm about to keep them.
Try it. Didn’t work for me. Maybe diminishing returns for some systems. Maybe they work best for snarks.

I bought one several years ago when the Acoustic Revive rr-888 came out. It actually made me feel somewhat nauseous when I first started using it. I experimented with placement as well as using a linear power supply.
I have no idea how they actually work or why. I've read material about it as well as Jeff Day's (?) reviews-- I was still left ignorant of what it is actually doing- I think it affects the listener, but some people who I demo'd it to didn't notice a thing.
I still have it, and it is set up if I want to turn it on; I did find that it changed the sound or my perception of the sound, but I'm not sure that I actually preferred the result; it seemed to homogonize the sound and in some ways bring it "in" tighter, taking the raw edge off; but like power conditioners, I wondered if that more "raw" sound without it was providing me with more acoustic information, so I usually leave it off.
Height off the ground is a factor for sure.  FWIW, the thing draws so little current-- on the order of hundredths of an amp, at least in the case of the rr-888, I saw no need to continue using a linear supply. (The switching type supply might still interfere with the system so it is on the standard house lines, not the electrical subsystem dedicated to the audio system upstairs). 
There were some old threads here that had a lot of posts-- some people used multiple units and really like what it did. I think this is a case of subjective applied voodoo---
All electrical components in a house are linked together through the grid....They created one field component: the specific electrical grid of your house...With his specific noise floor....

The S.G. are linked to this room grid.... They are like an ice breaker in a crystallised sea they break the ice of the general noise floor of the house...The information is then better between component..... This is my explanation but I am not a scientist by the way... They also change the pressurized atmosphere of the room like the ionizers do....

Put a piece of my "golden plate" on top of your S.G.....You will change the quality of the sound.... this will prove to you that this is NOT a "subjective" vodoo effect mainly....All is not vodoo or placebo....Superstition of misplaced concepts is not science...

"Golden plates" : Shungite thin plate for phone+ copper tape on the external side, if necessary add a tiny Herkimer diamond for balancing clarity.... I own 12 cheap S.G. in a cable synchonized connected grid....

It is one of my room tuner controlling grids....

The acoustic of a room is not described completely if described only by bouncing waves all along passive walls... Any room must be activated and i use also ionizers for that but also a grid of various resonators, tiny and bigger, but mainly 18 Helmholtz tubes and pipes that COMPLETELY transform my audio system and room ...

An ACTIVATED room is a room where the distribution and location of heteregenuous pressuring engines(H.T and P.) rectify completely the sound pressures levels, the relation between frequencies waves coming from the speakers and the walls at the rate of near one hundred back and forth in one second in any small room... Picture the atmosphere of your room like a very tight set of strings on a violin.....The H. room tuner grid act like a a slight touch on a set of springs or on the " strings " of incoming sets of waves, producing a tuned vibration ....

Helmholtz is the creator of room acoustic after Greek and Roman and probably Chinese before them....😁

Being audiophile is not buying gear or upgrading anything.... It is knowing how to install the gear in his 3 working dimensions, which i called embeddings of the audio system...

The acoustical embeddings by itself is more powerful than almost any upgrade of electronical design....

Imagine the 3 together....
For many acoustically uncontrolled and inactivated room, and with a too high noise floor audio system and house, the Shumann generators will not produce an "audible" effect at all lost in the crystallized sea of noise...

This is the reason why the addition of S.G. CANNOT be the first embeddings controls...

We must control the electrical grid noise floor of the house and room first...
We must control the vibrations and resonance of the gear first....

We must introduce acoustical materials passive treatment and other active controls before an audible effect is produced in many many case the effect are audible tough because no room, no house, no system are alike....

This has nothing to do with placebo effects....
Like others, I have no idea what the Schumann Resonators are, but am eager to learn. And to be clear, I like a good tweak as much as the next guy. But, I have a serious question: is it possible that long-term use of these devices might present a health hazard of one degree or another?  Have there been any medical/scientific done studies?