Best Server To Run Roon Core

Hi Folks,

I don’t currently run ROON, but would like to begin correctly in order to give it a chance - and I understand that server (hardware) on which Roon core is installed is important for SQ (due to noise reduction and other factors).

What are the best hardware for SQ and usability where ROON core should be installed and why (be it audiophile dedicated servers or modified PCs)? Please comment on the rest of your setup for context if you could.

Thank you in advance.

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The new Mac Mini (new M1 chipset) is dead silent, inexpensive, and if you configure it properly, it is a fantastic option.  I’m running it on treated power with an Oyaide C7 for the mains.  Get a quality network cable, shut off Bluetooth and WiFi, and you’re fine running USB directly from the core.  I use an Intona USB 3.0 isolator, but found that I was almost as satisfied with the sound without using it.  I have built multiple Roon cores, built endpoints with custom LPS and DC cables, and this works as well if not better.  You can also optically isolate the server with a pair of media converters.  I’ve been using a certain type of stone for mechanical isolation, perhaps that helps as well.  Even if the core is running in Rosetta for now, I like what I hear.
Another customer very happy with wolf audio system red wolf 2 sx streamer plus Roon core. Had lumin in my system, listened to innuos statement and the wolf is a major upgrade . Started with the wolf 3sx and upgraded to red wolf 2 with separate linear power supply . Main components in the rest of my system is magico m3, ayre Mx-r and kx-r twenty and the awesome t+a sd 3100 hv reference dac.
call joe Parvey with wolf audio system and he will help you with the right server to meet all your needs. A happy wolf customer

I assembled a fanless i5 NUC and run ROCK which is Roons OS optimized for payback within their architecture. I have no idea if it sounds better than other options but ROCK is free, runs headless, updates in the background and has never crashed since I've been using it over 1 year now. It's also one of the cheaper options unless you have an old PC you can use.
@newtoncr -- I’ve heard a lot about Wolf Audio but never had the opportunity to audition their equipment. I would appreciate it if you can describe the improvements over Lumin and Innuos especially in terms of sonic abilities. Lumin is a well known and established company that has been building outstanding products. If Wolf Audio is a major upgrade, that is quite an achievement considering that it’s a family owned business. Looking forward to your comparison.
I doubt you'd notice a difference in SQ among the major choices**.
It comes down more to price, ease of integration and use, along with what else (if anything) you might want to do with the machine besides run Roon.

Options include:
* raspberry pi (probably the cheapest option; many users seem to be quite satisfied with them; involves a little DIY setup)
* Nucleus (a little pricey, but probably the easiest turn-key solution for running Roon Core)
* Nucleus alternatives such as the sonicTransporter, which tend to be a little cheaper than the Nucleus, possibly with faster processors, plus support for a few music-related applications besides Roon Core (such as HQ Player)
* Mac Mini (possibly a good choice if you might want a full-featured computer for tasks unrelated to Roon; compared to a Roon Nucleus, you'll probably pay less to get more, including faster processing, but this choice goes against some recommendations to dedicate a computer only to Roon processing)

** BACCH-SP not only can be configured to run as a Roon Core or endpoint, but also applies sophisticated "audiophile 3D" processes that do affect the SQ (soundstage/imaging) significantly. Very expensive, though.