Need a power amp for a pair of ATC SCM 11's

I'm new to this forum, but have been lurking a good while and finally I'm in need of some sage advice!
I'm in the process of purchasing a pair of ATC SCM 11's and I can't figure out what the best power amp would be.
The preamp is an RME ADI 2 DAC, which I love and is so customisable, so I'm kinda commited on that front.

I've seen recommendations here before for the Quad 909, there's a few of them on ebay at decent prices.
Another amp I've seen recommended is the  Wyred 4 Sound ST-500 mkII. 

Should I push the boat and spend the extra on the Wyred 4 Sound, or find a nice bargain on the Quad 909?

Any other recommendations or advice is extremely welcome!

Thanks a lot :-)
If you can find a Musical Fidelity A308, you'll have a great match with money left over. Mine drives ATC SCM 40 v2s. 150 watts and other good power specs -- more than enough for your speakers. (If I go up to eleven o'clock, my ears hurt.) Similar sound signature. Built like a tank.
Thanks for the tip, I had a look around and there doesn't seem to be one available second hand anywhere, I'll keep my eye out!
Seems like it's going to take a while to resolve this, but best wait and get the best gear.
Thanks again!
Yes, it's a pitfall to get whatever happens to be the best/most appropriate piece of gear that's currently available out of impatience, but you're starting a years-long relationship with your system. It would be like marrying the kinda right person because you felt ready to make a premature move.
There are lots of other great amps in your price range, of course. I'm just promoting the one I happen to know about. Perhaps others will chime in.
As far as class D , the QSC & CROWN amps do a very good job, and do not sound dull or lifeless as most class D does.

Most are fairly inexpensive, but they have a fan, this may not be your choice.

QSC - PLX 1802 is a fine amp. Plenty of power with a AB output circuitry. Plenty of power, and sounds great, but then again, has a fan.
NO rca plugs either :(
Thanks for the advice, not sure if I'm on  board with the idea of a fan, it'll be on a desktop, so might be a bit close to me.

Lots to consider..