Driver breakin period, what’s the science?

So have these new speakers and been told they need a hundred hours to be broken in, and then sound will improve.

What’s going on as break in occurs?  More important for tweet, mid or bass?  
My initial listening has simple vocals/music passages sounding very good, and more complex and very layered sections that may have potential to improve.  
All in a speaker changes with use, some faster and some not, mainly moving parts, followed by xover parts, cabling, binding posts.
They should sound good from day one but to reach full potential it takes some time.
Keep listening.


So many views. A confusing mess of heartfelt comments. Who knew it is soo complex. Everything is complex.   quantum physics is complex and so much not well understood. So driver breakin process is quantum physics. So most have no clue what’s going on.

I think making tea is easy. Maybe just a glass of water, no cubes.
Don't let the naysayers and the "wire = wire" crowd here fool you. Break in is real and depending on the speaker and the design, can be pretty substantial. Not only do driver surrounds break in, so do the electronics in the crossover. I have experienced it many times. But some here would have you believe that if they can't hear it, you can't either. All bulls&*t......


Agree totally!

 Mine took a good 200+ hours, the bass was a bit deeper, and hit faster, with a faster recovery time for the next kick drum.
midrange was the biggest sound improvement, guitar, etc was much better after a few hundred hours.