Schumann Resonator

I got 2 of these from Amazon...careful that free returns are applicable.  I charged them up, turned them on and holy moly.....they do help with my system.   What I hear is between instruments, a definite difference in upright and electric bass, wider know...all the good stuff. At first I thought it might be increased brightness, but is still the same in that regard.  I still can't believe it, and will listen again tomorrow (saved the packaging for the return)...but today, I'm about to keep them.
Try the 2 positions and report here.... Is it difficult to try? I dont know the answer or if it will make a difference... Probably not...

My best to you....
I like them facing in the room the best. Cleaned up the imaging even more made it more defined and clear. 
Try at different distances from your listening location since the advertised effect is on the brain. 
This discussion is priceless. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you think it makes your system sound  better, then it does.

Foreign governments tortured hotel guest with inaudible sound waves that got headaches and got physically sick not knowing why. Perhaps this has the opposite effect as people are reporting. Maybe try drinking a glass of champagne before listening. Bet it makes the stereo sound better.....
Kind of OT, but...

Has anyone using these devises (especially in multiples) noticed a change in their bowel movements and/or blood pressure?

Just curious as having researched the device/mechanism these health issues popped up.

More interested in BP, but BM's are always fun reading as well.
