Schumann Resonator

I got 2 of these from Amazon...careful that free returns are applicable.  I charged them up, turned them on and holy moly.....they do help with my system.   What I hear is between instruments, a definite difference in upright and electric bass, wider know...all the good stuff. At first I thought it might be increased brightness, but is still the same in that regard.  I still can't believe it, and will listen again tomorrow (saved the packaging for the return)...but today, I'm about to keep them.
Of course a magnetic field creates electric current, Physics 101. Just like current creates a magnetic field, especially in wires in loops.

I would love to see someone actually measure sound (which is what we can agree on here is what matters) with and without the SGs in a room at different listening positions with and without the devices just like when you prep a room for acoustic treatments.

I would bet it is not measurable, especially since the main proponents are saying it doesn't matter where they are placed.

Some things are measurable and not audible, but not the other way around.

It probably has some effect on some people who can then become better focused on the tremendous detail in the sound. Those people may be more relaxed. It shows up in health articles that ARE scientific as being potentially beneficial.

Please someone who has the SGs and sound measurement equipment put this argument to bed (if that is possible). I doubt it will change anyone's opinion on whether to use them or not, but it would be nice to at least prove what you are hearing is actually out there.

Lighten up, mapman, it’s called humor. You know...funny? Smiley face? I shoulda known. Still, not sure how there can be honest “disagreement” without first hand experience.

@bemused, There is a sucker born every moment. All of you tweaky guys would do better spending your money on lottery tickets. You might actually get something out of it.

@ mahgister, I think you need a job.
First bemused gives a very interesting post....A beginnning of clarity in the subject.... I am not a scientist but i can appreciate the fact that resonance is key concept if we think about the why... Thanks....

I dont need a job, i need true friends....

I will say to Mijostyn that NO devices i bought cost me anything except a few peanuts... And all the others i created myself at no costs...I only recommend creativity at no cost for all....

Who is the sucker? Those who dont know anything save the word placebo? Those who recommend to buy pricey equalizer or costly upgrade instead of those like myself who advise about controlling at no cost the working embeddings dimensions of any system, mechanical, electrical and acoustical?

Who is the sucker in the audio thread? me?
I will do the same with my Music Fan all about reducing interfering energy and increasing laminar flow.
I wonder if a similar type of path crosses with Mr. Schumann and his wave machine. I can take measurements and observations on my grounded 6 shelf Sistrum rack front and center of the stage wall. Will laminar flow affect the concentration or dispersion of the 
Mr. Schumann device?  Never know till ya try.

I explained many times now, to no avail, that the S.G. cannot be reduced to be only a subjective effect based only on an action on the human body...

It seems many dont read posts here before posting...

It is EASY to improve the sound of the S.G. by adding a golden plate ( shungite +copper tape) and an herkimer diamond to the device... The 2 minerals will produce, each one separately, coupled with the device, 2 completely different effect on the sound, and a more balanced effect together?

This is a triple EXPERIMENT, not a stupid mantra about placebo or deluded customers.... I sell NOTHING....and the chinese S.G. cost peanuts...

Bemused was one of the rare here with a beginning of explanation...Myself i am not a scientist but ALL of what i speak about i experimented it MYSELF at NO COST.... Is it clear?

I cannot be accused to be deluded....My experiment are repeatable...

I cannot be accused to sell "snake oil"...I sell my creativity at no cost...

But it seems some will never understand anything...