Is it time to upgrade my amp?

Hi there!

I'm looking for some amplifier upgrade advice. My current system is:
Rega RP6 with Dynavector 10X5 MM (I intend to upgrade the cartridge to a Rega Ania Pro MC)
PS Audio NuWave Phono preamp (just received today and not added to my system yet)
Arcam FMJ A19 integrated amp
Audiolab 8200CD 
Monitor Audio Gold 100
I plan on adding a Cambridge Audio CXN (V2) soon.
Over all my system sounds great but a little harsh so I was considering upgrading to an integrated tube amp <$3k. I have considered, the Rogue Cronus Magnum 3, Sphinx V3 and used Cary SLI-80. None of which I can audition close to home.
Any advice on getting the most out of my system would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks! Chris
The Raven has a 45 day trial period. I agree with their philosophy. I've had amps from 35wpc to 350wpc. Without a doubt, the best sounding were the low wattage. One was 35, one 45 & now a 65. I  looked at the Blackhawk but I really didn't need a preamp since I have a very good one. But If I were looking at integrated tube amp I'd look at Raven & Don Sachs who recently came out with a 30 watt integrated. It is $4200 though (I think) I have his amp and it is very good. I also was considering the Cambridge streamer and found that the   Azur 851N  is worth the extra $$$. However I found the Teac NT505 at a great price which I couldn't refuse. Supposedly better than the Cambridge. I have not heard either. 
Replace your speakers! At an abysmally low 86dB they limit you to high powered amps. Not that they will sound good with ANY amp! But your $3k will buy you some killer Double Impacts, far and away better speakers, and ones that can be beautifully driven with as little as 20 watts, something that sounds as sweet as the Raven Blackhawk. Which will never happen as long as you hamstring yourself with bookshelf speakers. Especially those bookshelf speakers. Seriously. Read the reviews. Replace yours with DIs, be amazed at how your whole system is transformed.

A tube good amp would improve your system but as MC says better loudspeakers would be a bigger change for the same bucks.