What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen.

I was flipping through the accessory pages at the Cable Company and came up with this https://www.thecableco.com/hallograph.html You have to be kidding me. Of all the dumb, idiotic, profoundly stupid things I have ever seen. The marketing is even better! Have you seen anything worse! It is up to us to uncover these things for what they are, SCAMS.

No mahgister and millercarbon. It is not a joke and I am not the blind one.
Fairy tales are for children. What are you guys scared of? The truth?
The truth is that you men are extraordinarily suggestible ... It is you that are the joke and in my humble estimation it is a bad one.
Your "estimation" is an insult. It's not humble at all, it's just the opposite.

What's odd is that you claim to be a physician, yet you apparently don't hesitate to diagnose and condemn those you've never even met. Perhaps you are far more "suggestible" than you are comfortable acknowledging.
There is a popular internet meme, with people going in two directions. They comes across a cross-roads, and they have two choices of answers, "Simple but wrong", and "Complex but right".  Most "tweaks" are the equivalent of "simple but wrong". Raise youe cables, buy a $5.00 Schuman generator, pay $20K for a cable, puts caps on your RCA jacks, even many equipment swaps. These are all simple, but wrong answers in audio recreation.  Taking the time to learn about acoustics, how to measure acoustics in a room, actually treating a room, doing double blind tests to avoid bias, assuming you are wrong when you hear something .... these are all complex things, and hard, but they are right.  Look at the picture of people's systems here. 90% have no acoustics. 95% have inadequate acoustics. Most of those won't have any DSP correction to fix the gross frequency response issues. They have the audio equivalent of a "hot mess". Sure it looks good, and it sure is purdy ... but don't take that home with you.
Most "tweaks" are the equivalent of "simple but wrong".
Your post is right for the most part...Most underestimate totally the acoustic, which is for me more powerful than MOST upgrade at ANY cost...

But remember that if a "tweak" cannot solve all problem, a set of listening experiments for 2 years with many devices can solve some... Even if it is unorthodox like using cheap S.G. and many, many other devices...

Dont jump too speedily to conclusion....

My room look like a mess by the way... But my sound did not sound like a mess.....And the reason is NOT my particular choice of gear....

@cleeds , yes, I am a physician and have to deal with human lunacy on a daily basis. But right now I do not have my physician's coat on and none of you are my patients so I can let it fly. I apologize if that upsets you. But, I will no stop either. Every time I see this kind of claptrap I will call it out for what it is.

@audio2design, well said. Thank you.

 Instead of wasting money on worthless trinkets save up for a calibrated mic and impulse measurement program and know for sure what your system is doing. You want to make your system better. Go listen to the best. Have a target to shoot for. Know what is possible. Identify the defects in your system and learn how to correct them. What exactly are you fixing with a Schumann Resonator? The answer is , you have no idea. Every system has problems and in most cases they are unidentified because most audiophiles are running blind depending on their hearing which is a big mistake.  
@cleeds , yes, I am a physician and have to deal with human lunacy on a daily basis. But right now I do not have my physician’s coat on and none of you are my patients so I can let it fly. I apologize if that upsets you ...
You haven’t upset me, not even a little. Yes, I know you claim to be a physician. Based on your behaviors here - which reflect ill logic and where you’ve been suspended from the group at least once for attacking people - I don’t believe your claim. It’s your problem if that upsets you.

Perhaps some of the lunacy you "deal with on a daily basis" is your own.