rule of thumb: how long do you leave a tube preamp on versus turning it off then back on?

I just upgraded to an Audio Research REF 10 with 12 tubes and I am wondering how to best preserve the tubes. How long sitting turned on is equal to the wear and tear of turning it off then on again? I had a Rogue RP 7 with just four tubes so I didn't worry about this issue so much, I just turned it on when I began to listen then off at the end of the evening. Now I'm wondering where the sweet spot is? Away for a hour, two, three, turn it off when? Am I over-thinking this issue?
I’ve owned tube preamp for 25-30yrs now. Do not worry about your tubes, they will last a lot longer than you think. I use mostly expensive highly sought after vintage tubes in my preamps and in all these yrs, only 1 tube has went bad. I use 20 tubes total in my 3 main preamps. AR SP11 mk 2, Marantz 7 and CJ PV5.  When I’m listening to one of my systems, I turn the preamp on about 12 noon and do not turn it off till 12 midnight.  I have 3 tube testers in house, and like I said, all these yrs, only 1 tube went bad. Whatever system you want to use to “save” your tubes is fine, but the point I’m making, don’t worry about them so much, they’re gonna last a long time in your preamp unless 1 or 2 fails. 
Thanks to everyone for their thoughtful answers. The general gist of things as I summarize your comments in my mind is that common sense should prevail and to turn the preamp off when I'm done for the day, clearly stop worrying about tube life and enjoy the system. The REF 10 does have a 12 volt trigger turn on and off feature as do my Parasound JC1+ amps. This may somehow be audiophile heresy to make use of such a convenient feature, but I love it and with the REF 10 start up mute and delay sequence it seems to work very well.
 I was also asked how I like the new REF 10. I absolutely love it, its less" tubey" than I expected, strikes a great balance between the classic tube and SS sound (so did my Rogue RP7), imaging and depth are great, and I've never had a preamp that didn't seem to change the sound as I changed the volume. I literally get lost as to where I am with the volume level. I will notice that sometimes I am listening at a relatively low or high level without choosing the level numerically, just enjoying the music.
Finally, like many of us, I wonder if I had this or that component would I enjoy my system more. At this point, I don't have any desire to try any other preamp, and that my friends is a wonderful feeling! I hope it lasts!!
Thanks again for the insights!
I have had the exact same thoughts as you, OP.  I read through the posts and didn't feel anyone actually addressed your question.  If I am hearing you correctly, this is the scenario.

You have had your stereo on for whatever amount of time listening and your family wants to watch a 1 hour show, so you have to I leave everything on and go watch the show and then come back and hit play or do I power it all down and then power back up an hour later.  

Which is harder on the tubes, an hour of idle time or the power cycle?  

I understand the incentive for sound quality, but I too don't know which is harder on the tubes regarding their life.  

It seems that many electronic components in our lives are more stable when left on constantly vs repeated power cycles.  

Seems we are both over-thinking and should just leave it on for reasonable amounts of idle time.

Yes, thank you for reframing my exact question! I think no one may actually know the answer because there are too many variables for a "rule of thumb" guideline. Lots of well intentioned responses. I'm going to turn it on a little before or concurrent with my listening, and leave it on the rest of the day, turn it off when I head to bed. Done! I'm over it!! Thanks!

Don’t know if this has been covered. But NEVER turn a piece of tube equipment off and back on quickly. This is one of the best way to cause problems with the equip. .
You having already owned tube amp, may have already known that. But just in case....