Mahgister, you are incredible. All your stuff was created by your brain for your brain. Your ears are just along for the ride. But, whatever makes you happy. Do get the microphone. That will teach you a lot.
I already know that.... I am not a crusader against mic feedback...Like some other crusade against windmills or against products they even never experimented with...I am creative not a crusader....
Read me "accurately"....
By the way i am a passionnate... Dont take too personal my answer to your posts....
Ear and brain are always a unity in music and sound perception...It is not so simplistic like the alternative: "the brain fool the ear seeing a costly amplifier between the test", or "the perfect acuity of the ear detect the audible alleged effects"...
The line between phenomena located at different levels are not draw once for all by us....
«Between this level which is the bottom of the sea and this other one you see with the sun, there are another level you dont see, says the whale to Jonah listening to him in his belly»-Groucho Marx bible commentator