Raven vs primaluna integrated amplifiers

I have a pair of tannoy XT6F’s and I’m looking to pair them with a tube amplifier. I was originally looking at the primaluna evo 100 or 200 but the idea of spending that kind of money on a product made in China turns me off a bit. I recently looked into raven audio’s nighthawk mk3 and it’s definitely got me intrigued. Any thoughts or input on this pairing would be awesome. I’m open to other suggestions as well. I’d like to stay under $3000.
thank you
With the Raven you’re limiting your power tube options, so you should do some research re the 6L6. Also the PL 200 weighs 5 pounds more, which i assume is in the transformers, and there is for a reason other than to increase shipping weight I would guess. And 44 wpc vs 20. 

One thing to watch out for in the Forum is product opinion runs hot then cold. The Raven is currently hot, a lot of which is based on the bash China baloney. If you prefer not to buy Chinese based on politics or trade issues that makes sense...but build quality? That’s nuts.  PL quality control is world class (for its price point).

Personally i think your better off buying used than either of these, and I’ve heard them both.  
To be fair, from what I've heard, Kevin Deal of Upscale Audio stands behind PL just as well. We can be patriotic and support our own manufacturers (I try my best), but really there's no need to justify this by putting down an equally good sounding product made in another country. I buy American whenever possible, not because I dislike China, but because I want to support the little guy in my own country.
" the fact everything in China, every business, every dollar, is ultimately under the control of the CCP, which means every dollar that goes to China supports the CCP policy of unrestricted warfare against every nation on Earth. Make pretend none of that is going on. Set all that aside. "

Get off the soap box, it  hasn't stopped you from buying and repeatedly urging others to buy the Chinese made Nobsound springs, Schumann resonators.
"With PL made in China you have no idea who did what. When there is a problem who do you even deal with? Your dealer? Or PL? Or China? "

Kevin Deal of Upscale Audio started PL with Herman van den Dungen in 2000. One would fully expect you deal with Kevin.
As is his tube amp, his power center, his projector and most likely his oppo. Guy’s a clown, has no original thoughts of his own just parrots what he hears in the right wing echo chamber. Absolute worst poster on this site full stop.