Would This Amp Be Worth The Cost?

Opinions please.
Amp for Sonus Faber Olympica III speakers.

Looking at this amp  Musical Fidelity M8s-500S Power Amplifier
Info https://www.musicalfidelity.com/products/m8series/m8-500s

Replace my Classe Sigma Amp2.



10 Hz – 20 kHz, -1dB into 4 Ohms


200W rms into 8 Ohms, 400W rms into 4 Ohms


<0.018% @ 1 kHz Balanced Input


>80 dB below Fundamental into 8 Ohms Balanced


-100 dB at Peak Output into 8 Ohms (AES17)

Would there be improvement? Worth the cost? 
You post your blind listening test result that show that anything other than source material, speakers and room make any audible difference.  I’ll keep posting examples of where people who were utterly convinced they could tell differences in amps, cables, racks, etc find out that they just can’t. 
Long term listening bears out differences that snippets of music in an A/B/X stress test does not. If your hobby is listening to test tones, reading measurements and doing blind tests, you might be better served with a different form of entertainment. Maybe high end audio is not for you. No need to be ashamed, it's not for everyone.
Very well stated. There are clear distinctions with longer term listening compared to short duration involving shifting from one component to another (Which isn't how people listen in a natural setting). This seems so intuitive and self evident but obviously not everyone agrees with this.
I love the preamp.  That is very much the digital module within the M33 and is an awesome value.  There is a surprising bias against Classic series stuff from NAD.  That is a great unit.  

I would partially agree with the sales rep.  It is not the fact that your amp is a Class D, it is that particular Classe amp is a bit older and not quite as refined as some of the more recent class D units that have been produced.  The NAD C298 would have passed it by in terms of tech and sound quality.

It isn't inherently bad, there are just amps that can give you more and if you bought it recently, you probably paid less than $1500 for it and that is an awesome amp for that price.  I sold one not that long.

That MF amp is great.  Tons of current and will have control over the drivers, just as he pointed out.  There are other options, but that amps is a strong value and is well thought in terms of pairing with your speakers.  

It will sound more natural than your Classe.  It is a great product.  
Ozzy - well, that’s odd, because folks keep posting that the changes they hear when swapping cables, adding a Schumann resonator, placing a crystal on top, auditioning at their local store, etc, all reveals almost instant results!

Don’t worry about me!  I love my source material, my speakers, and my rooms. I worked with audio designers who helped me get the ideal speaker and room set up for me (and my son), and I followed their advice. As it happens I had an amp built for my son’s studio too!  All are fit for purpose.  The sound is fantastic.  The investment was where it mattered. On the designers’ express advice, nothing was wasted where it doesn’t matter. That custom amp?  Kettle chord is what the designer recommended. Standard fuse too - any way around I wanted. 
I just worry about folks getting ripped off for $1000s by merchants whose claims, under any kind of scrutiny, just don’t stand up. You see them here all the time - cries for help : “I need a cable that will give me more bass”... and there is no shortage of people saying “get these, they sound great, and only $2000 per meter!”   It’s plain wrong.