Learning To Listen

I’m frequently astonished when I hear the description of a soundstage by someone who really knows what he’s talking about. The Stereophile crew, Steve Gutenberg, and countless others hear—or claim to hear— when one violinist’s chair is out of line from the others and when the percussion players were forced into the bathroom because the studio was full. Issues like where the mices were placed, who stood where, and where the coffee pot was located are child’s play for these guys. 

Is it “mices” or “mikes?”

This seems to be a skill, like juggling, which one could learn with a little knowledge and a little practice. Some of the super listeners have said as much. But search though I might, I can’t find the key to the kingdom, the door to the fortress, the . . . all right, I’ll stop beating that particular horse.

But if someone could point me to the Cat In The Hat, The Horton Hears Who, the McGillogoty’s Pond of the subject you would have my eternal gratitude.


This above is quicksand and you are standing in it with both feet. Do not move too much. it will help you.

Learn to listen, for once.
It is a learned habit more than an ability, but it is also some learned ability born from an habit, linked to a specific acoustical environment, speficic gear, and specific musical sources which the listener, one step at a time learn how to transfer or translate into other acoustical environments, other gears, and other musical sources...

At the end the listener is able to spot and name details the profane will perceive akin to superhuman hearing ....

It is not at all supernatural, only an habit growing and transforming itself at different speed in us in relation to specific acoustical experiences, specific gear experiences and specific musical experiences...

Listening is an habit slowly transformed in a journey, one step in front of the other but on many roads....If not it will stay the same habit forever....

«I made love so many times i can now make it with my hands behind my back; or is it cycling?»-Groucho Marx

All the above - MC’s oddness especially - is why taking a course like the one I posted, designed and run by sound engineers in academia (where rigour and science and peer review matter) is such a good idea. 
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I'm with millercarbon on this one. Obviously, 40 years of critical listening just isn't enough for the tech snobs ("sound engineers in academia.")
I just need to take a course!
Thank You!