High quality equalizers

Considering with my hearing loss of high frequencies
Thanks guys. Im going to start different discussion -- 'equalizers for hearing loss'. 
Did anyone notice that the Loki is called the Loki Mini+ on the Schitt website?  I don't remember it having the Mini+ in the name before, but it may have.  Maybe a second EQ is on the way?
Hey ptss,
Depends how fine a control you want.  The Shiit Loki gets high marks around here. If you want much better control, like in the 1/2 octave or better range consider a miniDSP as a very flexible option but it does have a learning curve.
While you will get naysayers, if you have hearing loss an EQ is a thousand times better than not having one to ensure you keep enjoying music.

You could also consider a speaker brand like Dali's which have pretty beefed up treble to begin with.