Streaming vs ripped music

So I have a Node 2 going into an RME dac and stream Amazon HD. Yesterday I ripped 5 or 6 of my faves that I stream from the CDs. Put this onto a thumb drive and into the back of the Node. I think this definitely sound better than streaming these same songs. Anyone tried this and what was your findings? 
Kinda fun I can do a back to back of the same songs streamed vs ripped. Biggest difference is the ripped songs sound a little bit more relaxed. Maybe this is because less jitter? Dunno. Certain sections of songs the cymbals appear to have better separation. Not a huge but tangible difference IMO. 
Streaming needs good cables and a filter on the ethernet cable, otherwise rippng will win. I suggest you try inserting an EMO EN70-HD filter and a short(!) Meicord Ethernet cable,into your streaming connection and the result is very likely to reverse.
Hmm I will look into that. Price is not too bad. I also do not have direct plug into router. I have a google mesh thingy and plug the Ethernet cable from there into the node. Wondering if that’s not a good way to go? 
What antigrunge2 said

Amazon has been widely criticized for being "not as good." Of my 5 streamers, 4 sound as good on Qobuz as local rips. The only laggard is my BluSound. I use it mostly for web radio.
ENO CU and ViaBlue RJ-45’S make a big difference.
Using Qobuz, I find similar quality to local network streaming, playing from a thumb drive, or playing a CD.
I've not tried Amazon HD, as it has no way of connecting to my system. Last time I checked, Qobuz was not much more per month.