Bargain Priced SACD Giant Killer?

I think my SCD-1 is very good and beautifully made, but at the end of the day, I am listening to digital less and less, other than from my PC.

So I am thinking about recycling some of its resale value into a turntable, and building up a WAF file music server.

If I were to sell my SCD-1, is there anything that will give me 75% + of the sound on a budget, albeit without the gorgeous build quality?
how about a TRL modded sony 595? or another budget player wiht some mods? i've got a VSE level 5 modded 9000 and I am very happy with it.
Speaking of TRL, if you can get your hands on a Sony DVP-NS900V the new TRL mod will take you past the SCD-1. You're probably looking at an investment of $1000 including the mods. The news from CES on this player was very positive.
Philips 963sa. Get a modified one, and you'll be even better off! ....and closer, or as good as your stock Sony.
Good luck!
i think $1000 for a sacd player is a bit much given the original intent of this thread....

cwlondon came up with a really good idea...put some money toward a differnt format that has a lot of software available(vinyl) rather than sacd that doesnt have alot of software...

would suggest a sony 9000,sony 999 (sony house sound and build quality).