Time Travelling Troll: The AR / B&W 802 combo was awful

So many audiophiles I knew at the time were totally mesmerized by the combination of Audio Research amps with the B&W 802 series.  I never really understood why.  Super analytical, made the speakers sound tiny.
Audio Research Tube Amps, or Solid State? One of my best friends still uses a vintage Audio Research tube amp in his high-end system. He has $10k stand mounted speakers and a $30k vinyl playback chain. His Audio Research amp is awesome! I borrowed it once a few years ago and it messed me up for years trying find sound like that. Gave up as I was not willing to pay the cost/hassle of re-tubing, maintenance, etc. Oh, and the fact that it is so heavy that I cannot move it by myself. Doubles as a space heater.....