DTM: That's an unfortunate risk I take standing by those who I admire and respect. I found out in the schoolyard that if you are outspoken, not everyone is going to like you ... I can live with that.
I base my statements on first hand experience, which, of course is the only method to know for sure whether or not a particular piece of gear integrates well into your system and suits your needs. Making comments or assumptions without discloses that person a fool.
Certainly, with the comments of others above, you can see that it isn't just me that has found TRL's Sony 900 mod outstanding. In fact, most guys are trying to keep it quiet until they sell off their more expensive players ... although the buzz since THE Show has been hard to stiffle.
"I've got excellent reproduction with what I've got, and I'm very happy (for now!). :)"
That's all any of us are after. I only pray that your journey brings you as much pleasure as mine has I.
Best wishes,
Jack Seaton