A DAC that ought to be better known: RME

I just bought a RME ADI-2 DAC on the recommendation of some technological minded audiophiles on another site and am delighted with the sound quality and price point. It isn’t especially user friendly and the multi page user manual is complicated. Plus the DAC has equalization and a great headphone amp, all in a small package. I always thought the Exogal was a great performer but the RME strikes me as superior, especially considering the significantly lower price. I listen to a lot of chamber music and it conveys the timbre of the string instruments exceptionally well. Plus, for the first time in a long while I can actually read the screen and see what’s happening. If anyone out there is looking for a DAC this is worth at least investigating. 
Thanks for the suggestions. I do run it directly into the amp. Will definitely get the power supply after a while. 
jjss49, I don't find RME "zippy" in my room. I also have a highly modded MHDT Labs dac to compare it with and the RME is far from zippy when played side by side in the same system. I do have the Teddy Pardo on the RME with JPS Labs digital cable and Acoustic Zen silver ref 2 going out to preamp. You would think the silver wire would make it zippy but that's not the case. I find RME is very transparent and warm but in no way "zippy". I did find it took over a month to break in, I leave Teddy Pardo and RME on 24/7 and notice even being on 24/7 it take 20 or so minutes of music running through it before it sounds right. 

maybe my use of the word ’zippy’ is getting us hung up a bit... i found the voicing of the rme to be somewhat treble forward and i would not call the midrange or bass warm... neutral and fast i would say, but not bloomy or warm in the least to my ears (there are significantly warmer-voiced dacs - metrums, ayre codex, mhdt’s in stock form, esp. with the we 2c51 tube come to mind)

i currently have a number of mhdt units (orchid, stockholm, istanbul), the stockholm i have is modded with pcm56k chip, vishays diodes and mundorf silver oil caps, other two are stock... i do find the modded stockholm to have the most highlighted treble and the best drive of the 3 mhdts, so i am not surprised your modded mhdt plays slightly brighter than the stock units - of course, the mhdt units’ sound can be further shaped with choice of tube, options are plentiful and the range of ’adjustment’ is fairly substantial

to me, i don’t fault the tonality of the rme... voicing is a matter of taste, and many systems and listeners like more ’effortless’ detail that a forward treble voicing affords -- my personal feeling is that the weakness of the rme is its relatively flat and narrow imaging... tonally i find chord dacs similarly detail oriented but their imaging is vastly superior, wider deeper bigger stage, simply more holographic, leaving aside tonal balance - the mhdt’s really excel at imaging and dimensionality...

this being said, i had the rme for about 6 months (before selling it to a good friend who is a headphone listener, for which i think the unit is really ideal), and i did not use an upgraded ps with it, so maybe i have not heard it at its best -- then again, i was using the chord qutest at the time with its own factory supplied switching ps as well...