Can a Bluesound Node 2i power supply really be upgraded?

I improving its components, not with a YOUR preferred streamer brand...;-)
Sure, you can upgrade the C-7 power cord. We all get that.

But, what about the power supply.
I only see 3 options:

1. Fidelity in UK
2. Some dude in Poland selling on eBay
3. Rumors of Teddy Pardo making one for the Node 2i.

It has to be DIY for the first two and not really what I'm looking to do with my streamer - I mean, if i'm going to to a DIY LPS upgrade, I'd like it to be easier to buy.

Anybody know anything or actually made it work?

Thanks for the condescension. It Usually is a poor substitute for substance.
There is an art form in finding performance in value products and then enhancing that value incrementally. But, feel free to do as you see fit. There is no one size fits all solution, mate.

Mine works for me and my system sounds rock effing solid.

Bluesound Node 2i
Chord Qutest DAC with Teddy Pardo PS
Belles Aria Signature int amp
Dynaudio Special 40s
Audience AU24se cables.

Back to the music....
@rareace - I suppose it depends on your system, quality of the power, reclocking of the DAC, etc.  I think the key learning is that you can improve the Node by a power modification in a meaningful way.
No condescension intended. Started with sorry.
Substance?? Really!
Glad that your are happy. I said stuck and you like it. What's the big deal.
Just to put in my 2 cents worth, I got the PD Creative update from Poland and installed it in a node2.  It then requires an out board linear power supply which I didn’t know when I did it.. however  I got one from Amazon and installed a synergistic black fuse, and used a thick shielded 2.5mm cable to hook the power supply to the node. Let me tell you this is no joke! It was like a new component. Crystal clear, excellent sound stage, and “dead” I mean “dead quiet”.I can’t believe this made such a huge difference. Highly recommended. 
@lanrmack - you could try putting good cables on your Node 2i

Granted, this IS NOT a cheap solution, but it migrates nicely to the next streaming device you buy and you DO NOT have to dive into the guts of your NODE 2i to apply it.

I have the Node 2i and have built these power and interconnect cables, which provides exceptional results - very noticeable.

My Audio Alchemy (

The improvements exceeded my expectations and has continued to improve as I have updated the power and interconnect cables with different wires/insulations

You may like to read this thread for the opinions of others that use these cables in preference to some very established brands...

I also have these cables on the PowerNode 2 and the Pulse Mini and the improvements were exceptional

Just another approach to your problem

Regards - Steve