Tone control and ceiling fan issues

I need some help to analysis and find solutions or fixed for my preamp Rotel 1590
When tone control bypass is on the preamp is dead quiet  but when tone control bypass is off the amp make some hissing noise and react to my ceiling fan and AC when I turn on the ceiling fan/ or AC KICK IN it makes some loud pop sound it happens only when tone control bypass is off
I have try 4 different amps no luck 
I’m  using dedicated 20amp lines and surgex SA1810 and Panamax 
I have 3 Sony AVRs ZA5000ES series in this house and non of them has that problem 
I use to own Parasound P6 no issues at all 
I try connect the preamp straight to wall or conditioner no luck 
I try different outlet same problem 4 different speakers KLF 30 chorus ii Epic CF4 and Forte ii 
I bought it use so no warranty 
I have try some ground plugs and Ametek Powervar nothing works 
any suggestions or recommendations for fix in Houston Texas area thanks 

If I understand you correctly.. You engage the tone control and it makes noise, without it, it doesn't.

Your asking where a repair facility is in the Houston Area?
Yes I’m trying to see if there’s work around 
the ceiling fan is the issue making loud pop sound when tone control bypass is off 
Do you have another outlet? One not  connected to the fan circuit?

   Been there, we are close to a radio station tower, and it interferes with everything audio in my house. 
   Must be an outlet made with a filter on it, or something. Search around. 
 Good luck, hope you find peace.