I've just received a second SG in the mail, a third on the way. Just
listened in my bedroom system, one SG near the NAD amp, closer to the
left speaker than the right, the other SG near me. It sounded very good,
seemed more natural and lifelike.
Now listening in the main system, one between and behind the speakers, 6' high, the other near the electronics (pretty much equidistant to the amps, ADC power conditioner, turntable, and DAC). Similar results - a smoother, more natural presentation, without any loss of resolution.
When the third one gets here, it will be at my listening sofa.
Where do you place yours? How much have you experimented, and what kind of differences have you noticed?
Now listening in the main system, one between and behind the speakers, 6' high, the other near the electronics (pretty much equidistant to the amps, ADC power conditioner, turntable, and DAC). Similar results - a smoother, more natural presentation, without any loss of resolution.
When the third one gets here, it will be at my listening sofa.
Where do you place yours? How much have you experimented, and what kind of differences have you noticed?