Most rooms don’t need acoustical treatment.

Why?  Because acoustical treatments presented are in virtually empty rooms. Unrealistic.

my rooms have furniture and clutter.  These rooms don’t really have a need for treatment.  It’s snake oil, voodoo science.  
So why is accoustical panels gonna help?  No one can answer this, most have no clue.
Post removed 
Time to buy better headphones?
I owned 2 stax and very good headphones...

But those who could beat my 2 listening positions in my  room on some count like Stax Omega, or RAAL SR1  for example or some others,are way too costly for me...

And at the end a good room has the advantage to be without anything around my head limiting my movement for sure....more practical and easy....

I begin with headphones, 7 years ago, thinking it was the best solution if someone dont have the money for a very good speakers gear...

I was wrong, acoustic among other things is the key, not money itself necessarily...

My best to you glupson....
Apologies mahgister, but I couldn’t resist - just a light hearted (bad?) joke made with benevolent intentions - hope you don’t take it the wrong way 😉
No need to apologize...

You make me laugh...

For 2 reasons, the first is it is a good joke...

But i laugh more because it was true, i modified all my headphones with success... My journey to good sound begins with them...

 I am "nut" with or without headphone.... For all my friends only tough... And you are a friend....

 Thank for the smile.....
You may be able to get away without acoustical treatment in a living room where there is unorganized clutter, but in a dedicated room where you're dealing with parallel walls, sharp corners, flutter echos, bass bump, etc. room treatment is a must. It's likely that most living room will sound better than an untreated dedicated room but once you have the dedicated room treated properly, the sound is beyond anything you've achieved in the past.

I once saw the DIY PVC pipes in a room and thought there's no way it does anything, I guess it's time to look into what it does. You don't know what you don't know until you know.
And, if you watch, almost every new thread he is one of the first responders. So full of it. He doesn’t have a life or really listen to music, he just spends all of his time posting here.
This could be said of several members of this forum.

In the Motorcycle, Sportbike and Road Racing we call these people Posers. They are easy to spot, they have the latest gear and the expensive motorcycle but have no idea how to ride. The like to pull up to the mall and their 2 wheeled extension of their manhood and say “look at me”. As you look closer you see a bake with a 2 inch chicken stripe on there rear tire (afraid to lean into a corner) and when they ride away they never rev is over 3500 RPM.

We have a lot of Posers here. 
Then there are the Squids the guys who buy cheap bikes, make them loud and ride like idiots in traffic.They are screaming for attention like the Poser but put others at risk in the way they ride.

I have a saying “If you want to know how slow you are on the street, go spend a day on a race track”

Wow there are a lot of Posers and Squids here on this forum.

Who or what are you?