Which cd player: New /w Mod or just plain new?

I just can't wait any longer for the mythical final solution. System c/o Jm Lab Mini Utopias, CJ 17ls & Premier 11a. Siltech cables & interconnect. Shunyata power cords. Walker tweaked including Velocitor. Problem is, I believe I'm suffering from a case of paralysis by analysis and am still using my old Musical Fidelity A3. Any Recommendations or advice will be appreciated and considered; including "get a life". Thank you.
Lkdog - Phaelon

I have the full reference Modwright 999ES mod with cryo tubes. Is it the ultimate? At a total of $2,600 including the player probably not but I don't know how much you would have to spend to better it.

Regarding the sub integration of my REL Stadium III with the Utopias I am very satisified with seemless results I am getting. My room is not optimimal with acoustic treatments but with the correct crossover and volume level the sub goes unoticed. I am currently crossing it over at 46hz and have had it as low as 28hz. It depends on the electronics being used. You can get a feel pretty quickly on the correct settings. Also my speakers are playing full range and the sub just auguments the lower frequencies. After living with the sub for a couple of years I think it was a sound decision with these speakers. It gives them that extra bottom end and air that you can't achieve without it.

Lots of classical SACD's. I am a jazz guy mostly, so am pretty ignorant re: classical but this site may be of some assistance.

Lkdog- A friend, with an extensive collection, is currently bringing me up to speed on jazz, with a strong emphasis on the legends. My knowledge is limited but I have become an avid fan.
Goose- Much thanks. Could you indulge me further by listing some of the players, you auditioned, when you chose your 999ES. Did you listen to the Musical Fidelity A5 as it's nearly the same price?