For a few dollars more

You could take your speakers, hang em high, and feel the sudden impact. Granted you may have to turn your amp every which way but loose, but then you could play misty for me any which way you can and not feel like we had to run the gauntlet. In a perfect world the beguiled listener would be the rookie, and to spend more would be a true crime. In other words, you don't need to spend a million dollar, baby.
@oldhvymec GREAT call on Tombstone! Agree completely some of the best acting you will see.. LOVE that movie! So many quotable lines from that one:

"Hell Doc why would you get mixed up in this anyway"?

"Wyatt Earp is my friend"

"Hell I got lots of friends"

"I don't"...

Doesn't get any better than that...

@oldhvymec I much prefer Devino's pizza, my friend. I know some very loyal fans to Melo's though.