Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig?

Hey All,
There once was a time when I looked forward to shopping for arcane mono classical and jazz vinyl. The anticipation of hearing a newly cleaned recording from 1957 that I didn’t realize existed until just a few hours prior. The satisfaction of owning 200 plus records. But now since I’ve upgraded my DAC and Transport, I’ve become disenchanted with vinyl. It still sounds musical but not nearly as close to a live performance as my digital setup. So I’m now I’m thinking about selling my ASR Mini Basis Exclusive MK 2 phono preamp and my modified Thorens TD 145 with AT 33 mono anniversary cartridge. I could put the money towards a surgical procedure that I’ve been putting off. Will I regret this afterwords? I don’t even know how much to ask for the equipment or whether someone would even take an interest in it. Any ideas out there?
a2d, If you find vinyl so laughable, why are you here at all?  I am not offended by your opinion at all, but why? I don't feel the urge to go on a digital forum and make jokes about RBCD.
Hi OP,

+ 1 @lalitk

Great Idea. Happy to help fellow Audiogoner in need.  Good luck with your surgery.

Sleep Apnea can kill so get a solution that works.

Do I follow this correctly?

Comparing stereo digital to mono analogue, right? 

Interesting comparison. 

Some old vinyl is just that... poor mastering, poor recording process, and worse, too many pressings per... I have a few direct disks that stun me regularly with their presence, detail, and sheer impact. 
My secondary-favs are some digital recordings (there were a few great ones) that were then sent to vinyl with love and care. 
I want a better streamer/DAC also, but how I listen to that source is vastly different than vinyl. 
Just to clarify a bit, I would to some degree regret selling my table and phono amp. Additionally, I'm not comparing mono analogue to stereo digital, rather I'm saying that the quality of my digital front end is so good, that I might not miss playing vinyl all that much. I am limited based on the quality of tonearm, cartridge, etc... If I had the flagship ASR phono stage, a six thousand dollar table and a three thousand dollar cartridge, the competition between digital and analogue would be tighter. Would I prefer to have something versus not having something; that answer to that would likely always be yes.