If the PS Audio Stellar 700M is as great as all the reviewers say....

...why are there so many used ones for sale?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xnd1der
This question gets asked a lot and it all comes down to weird market timing.  There is no real reason why a certain product will have a lot of used "for sale".  That being said, I have heard this amp.  It's really not a bad amp for the money you are spending.  Good resolution and neutral sonic signature.  There are better amps, but of course much more expensive.
I had a pair and enjoyed them, but at the time Tweakaudio introduced their EVS1200, based on dual IcePowerAS1200 modules, which he highly tweaked. The price was about the same as the M700s, but with ~3Xs the power. A few months ago PS Audio introduced the M1200s, but at $5995