Re-terminate speaker cables

I have a pair of audio quest rocket 33 cables that are biwire. I want to have them changed to full range with spades on the speaker end.  Audio quest is unresponsive.  Is there another resource to get this done?
@fuzztone "I’d put locking bananas on yourself. Screw terminals."

Is "screw" a noun or a verb?
You sell the cables to another chump on line for a tidy profit, then go buy a quality 10 gauge speaker wire. and leave the silliness behind. 
"...Probably a silly question but I don’t want to short something out if I decide to do this myself..."

Check your work with an ohm meter. 
I have tried and it is very difficult for the wire that I have, I just quit and send to the Cie, they know how to terminate the good way.
Always amazed at the lame advise given. Pick up the phone call AQ and send them in. Keep in mind AQ are in Cali.. or since you are a rookie DIY and foul them up and lose money.