Audio Companies with Integrity??

Interaction with Audiophile companies and AudiogoN members have been (for most part) positive through the years. There have been a few, however, that have gone 'above and beyond' to ensure that the customer was satisfied. To that end, I would like to give a 'shout out' to Audioquest that recently made a situation right when they really didn't have to. I won't go into the details, but suffice to say, that when the need arises I will not hesitate to buy from them again and will recommend their products and service to anyone who values my opinion.

For discussion purposes, would anyone care to raise a glass to a company that in your opinion deserves some love.
Kent English at Pass Labs 
Just about anyone at PS Audio. I purchased the first generation DAC used had to be over 10 years of age.
Could not get an update to download even after spending an hour on the phone with a PS Audio tech
He then sent me the update an a memory card at no charge. My thought was that if this company did this much on a unit that was at least by this point second hand. Maybe I should buy some new gear from them
So I purchased a new DAC, a BHK pre amp and BHK amp and a power plant 20 could not be happier 
REL Acoustics.   They have always been very prompt with their email support questions.  I once emailed the company for some advice on subwoofer placement, and John Hunter himself replied back.

I know there are quite a few here suggested McIntosh.  I actually never had good experience from them.   Twice I emailed them last year, and all I got was an automatic reply saying someone will get back to me, which they never did.
I have had good experiences with most companies and individuals I've dealt with over the past 40 years.  However there are a few that standout:
Dan Wright - Modwright Instruments
Taylor - Goldprint Audio
Joe Skubinski - JPS Labs
Brian Von Bork - Cardas Audio
Jeff Joseph - Joseph Audio
Craig Shumer - Theatermax
2nd shout to audioquest!

 And the now defunct Energy loudspeaker company. 
 Rip Energy. Thanks to Klipsch for destroying such a fine loudspeaker company. :)

Put me down for Keith Herron, too - just ordered his phono-stage and his pre-amp - should be getting them in a few weeks! Great guy to chat with, too!