If you watch this video, the reviewer says the opposite of what he stated. I have a decent streamer, and DAC, but listening to records with my system is just a lovely experience. All kinds of audio to get into, then there are phono cartridges. 
This guy is sort of lame if you ask me. He thinks he is clever with that opening which he is not, and he thinks he knows a lot and he does not. 
Lalitk, I happen to have a few LPs among my thousands that are actually stone cold quiet. 

Imo, digital solid state sounds flat. Vinyl tube sounds dimensional.
“I happen to have a few LPs among my thousands that are actually stone cold quiet.”

Would you please provide some titles so i can give it a spin in my system?

“digital solid state sounds flat. Vinyl tube sounds dimensional.”

A blanket statement like above has no credibility. How about if I say,

“Vinyl solid state sounds flat. Digital / tube sounds dimensional.”

I’m not trying to start another debate but both formats can sound good or bad depending on associated down or upstream components. The sound from a particular format is very system dependent.