Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig?

Hey All,
There once was a time when I looked forward to shopping for arcane mono classical and jazz vinyl. The anticipation of hearing a newly cleaned recording from 1957 that I didn’t realize existed until just a few hours prior. The satisfaction of owning 200 plus records. But now since I’ve upgraded my DAC and Transport, I’ve become disenchanted with vinyl. It still sounds musical but not nearly as close to a live performance as my digital setup. So I’m now I’m thinking about selling my ASR Mini Basis Exclusive MK 2 phono preamp and my modified Thorens TD 145 with AT 33 mono anniversary cartridge. I could put the money towards a surgical procedure that I’ve been putting off. Will I regret this afterwords? I don’t even know how much to ask for the equipment or whether someone would even take an interest in it. Any ideas out there?
I’d fight to the end for vinyl. I’d much rather suffer the fate of The Black Night before ever considering giving up my vinyl:
@goofyfoot if your vinyl collection is only around 200 LPs, you have already decided some time ago on which medium you like to listen to. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. People into vinyl, without almost any effort, will amass a collection of thousands easily and passionately. It matters not-at-all! You don't have enough interest in it to worry about.
Well, brain tumor removal (or saving your sight, etc.) or turntable.  What a dilemma!  But!  How much actual surgery can selling an old Thorens really pay for?  Maybe a tooth extraction?
So, you prefer your digital setup, only have 200 albums and need funds for surgery. It appears you've already made your decision, sell the vinyl rig, get the surgery!

I'd keep the albums in case you get back into vinyl in future.