Schumann Resonator

I got 2 of these from Amazon...careful that free returns are applicable.  I charged them up, turned them on and holy moly.....they do help with my system.   What I hear is between instruments, a definite difference in upright and electric bass, wider know...all the good stuff. At first I thought it might be increased brightness, but is still the same in that regard.  I still can't believe it, and will listen again tomorrow (saved the packaging for the return)...but today, I'm about to keep them.
Not reading 500 posts, and perhaps this caveat has been mentioned previously. 

Are there specifications anywhere on the output of these tiny resonators? 

I have some skepticism. Numbers would perhaps help. 

No numbers on this device? How curious! 

But, maybe I am wrong, and these are well supported. So, let's see it. 
+1, my friend! Such things should be obvious, but apparently not.

I have perhaps five reasons why such devices are ridiculous for system building, but I only mentioned one of them. The infusion of noise into the room was another. Kudos for linking to the site so that it can be seen.

There is so much desperation to achieve something significant in terms of improving a rig on the cheap that gimmicks will always sell.

Further, it is an interesting phenomenon that certain equipment receives a pass in terms of introduced noise. I have built systems that have inherent noise levels above absolute silence, but I'm not inclined to introduce a product that purposely adds noise. 
1- it is cheap

2 it is an experiment not a market consumers products in a conditioning article in an audio review about a miraculous electronic new costly design to bought at all cost...

3 this experiment could improve many average system for peanuts

4 i propose an interesting complementary experiment for those not intellectually rigid and curious, with 2 different additions on top of the S.G.

5 it is not the first and best way to improve all audio system FOR SURE....A common place fact is not something we can use to bash the experiment....

6 but ONE of the best way to improve most audio system is not upgrading EITHER and may cost nothing at all and i prove it for myself: Acoustic active controls

7 those who bash a 20 bucks experimnent for no reason against all those who claim to like the effect of S.G. in their system and room are mostly consumers and sellers of costly hyped audio products or member of the "Skeptic sun day scientists boy club»

8 i am affilated with none of these groups

9 ANY electronic component in a system introduce noise of his own ’ a S.G. or a new amplifier, it is an engineering fact called a TRADE-OFF... we must deal with this trade-off our own way and in our own system to decide for or against....I did....By the way there is no system immune to the house noise floor ...But we can decrease it...I did....

10 read point number(9) 2 times to digest this nut of science ...
I have built systems that have inherent noise levels above absolute silence,

Not to rain on your parade Douglas_schroeder, it is quite the accomplishment I am sure, but don't all systems have inherent noise levels that are above absolute silence?