The Intellectual People Podcast - Galen Gareis (Former Belden Wire Designer)

Former Belden Wire Designer Galen Gareis explains how cables need to meet certain standards and the design parameters around them. He also speaks about the actual science and the subjective side within hifi audio.

My Cabledyne Silver Virtuoso speaker cables were designed by an ex Belden engineer too, (worked there for over 20 years) and he didn't put out a video but they're some damn fine sounding cables. Maybe he should have. Maybe it was timing. Too bad the company is no more. 

All the best,
Are you now a cable engineer? How would you know any of what you spew in paragraph 2 other than reading it on the Iconoclast website? I have no problem with your opinion on the cables and also your belief in the veracity of the science, but enough is enough. 
“Nothing to gain, as the two groups are firmly entrenched in their bunkers:

1) The measuremantilsts: no matter what measurements you show them, they will never buy anything more expensive than hardware store stuff. Period.

2) the subjective people: measurements mean nothing. Proof is in the pudding. Read: actual experience.


You’ve nailed it!