Recommend Outstanding Russian Choral Music

This music, usually performed by the Russian Military Chorus, knocks my socks off!

Purchased the soundtrack from "The Peacemaker" movie but found no full-length works.

Also some good tidbits in "The Hunt for Red October".

Can any comrade out there direct me to the good stuff?

Pure Russian Euphoria: Feodor Potorjinsky's Russian Choir Vespers and Matins, Westminster Gold Series, WGM-8150. You will never be the same. Complete time travel experience. The most ancient melodies of the different Russian Monasteries. 
Any Sviridov choral music will put you in tears...It was the best music for the late Andropov KGB chief and prime of Russia....😁😁😁😊

And Bortniansky the first non italian music master of the tsar, will reveal so much genius that you will be amazed to not know his name on par with any other of the great musical geniuses in Europe...His 6 cd of sacred concerts is absolute masterpiece...The tsar never killed him....He named him his musical master after his coming back from studies in Italia 😁

Russia is way underestimated in music....His modern piano school is my best ...But it is another story why it is...

if i was to be reincarnated, and if God will grant me a wish and ask to me which one i want... i will answer on the spot give me an "octavist" voice.... try to look for an ocatavist voice with the choir of some cd and prepared yourself to be surprized...

Any woman will melt in liquid honey listening this powerful voice which in Hollywood would be used only in cinema to mimic God voice....But this particular tonal timbre producing voice is the heart of Russian art of choral singing...Only one octavist balanced in weight an entire big choir with bass voices in it....Llike the bass note of an organ fill the church making the walls vibrating veils hiding paradise...

In the beginning it was the logos, and the logos was an octavist voice.....Even the whale listen to octavist brotherhood voice ...

There exist more octavists, by genetic fatality, in Russia per cubic foot than in any other country.... Their choral music history is also linked to this not so well known fact....


Dear God keep the money for another next reincarnated man give me the right octavist voice i will do the rest....And i will not lack of women for sure .......Thanks God!

" Any Sviridov choral music will put you in tears" Did the KGB use this during torture sessions?
BTW, most of the older posts have been deactivated (links don't work).
Also, the "Feodor Potorjinsky's Russian Choir Vespers and Matins" does not appear to be on CD only vinyl. 
I'll look into @mahgister suggestion ASAP.
Have you heard : Szymanowski & Poulenc: Stabat Maters by Shaw/ASO/Chorus (2006-07-09)?
Plenty of good choral and I think one guy has your "Octavist" voice.