mahgister, have you ever encountered meteorites in your practice? I read on Russian forums there are people who highly appreciate their ability to influence the sound. I wonder how they compare to shungite.Yes i experimented with around 30 varietes of minerals
First- all has a DISTINCTIVE effect....Difficult to describe in words... For example kambaba jasper give to the sound an airy atmosphere...Agate give meat to the bone.... quartz give a decompression and a clarity that can be harsh in some spot or on some system...Etc etc I can go for a page...
Two- i used them near secondary electronic pieces of gear and main one... They give all their peculiar "colors" to the sound....And using them together balance their effects...
But this effect even if it is audible is in no way comparable to electrical, mechanical, or acoustical controls devices...Understand me right here... And idiots will mock my experiments...
Three- meteorite are rich with iron and they could enhance the sound in a par ticular way especially if your system is too warm.... If your system is already bright it will cause harshness...
tough or a kind of "shrill" effect st some frequency range into the sound quality
Four- Now i use minerals on my electrical main box for the house and on the external main electrical cable of the house.... Cheap minerals like agate etc...But my main devices all along the electrical grid in my house is my "golden plate"... All that decrease the noise floor level...And what they add to the sound is not negative in any count because they balance themselves et complement them selves...
I used also agate of madagascar tourmaline kambaba jasper quartz on my cables at the end with thin "golden plate" or on the wall plug of my rooms...
In conclusion save for my "golden plates"+herkimer diamonds, i dont experiment now anymore with minerals....i let them in the place where i used them like behind speakers posts etc
It was the first phase of my audio experiments with mechanical isolation....
The second phase was my discovery of the golden plates for electrical control of my grid....
i also created my Schumann generators grid at this moment...Experimented also with many kind of resonators + my first passive acoustical treatment
the third phase just ended with passive room tratment and begins with more activated room controls, with ionizers and schumann generators but especially important : my mechanical equalizer.... This is the most powerful of my control device...
i am done now because i enjoy really greaat S.Q. for a 500 hundred bucks system... I even prefer my sound to most costly system i listen to....It is not prefect but relatively more natural sound than most and a room holography superior to most also...
But i also encountered the limitations now and the ceiling of S.Q. with my actual gear in fact with my speakers now... This would be the only serious upgrade i will do if i had money.... But it is impossible to do it by lack of the very big money necessary to this upgrade.... My system is already so good i dont want to upgrade and this will be too costly anyway...
Imagine you want to upgrade a very good speakers in a very well controlled room and you cannot listen to the new speakers before purchasing them ? If my S.Q. was not so good it will not be a problem but now buying what? And which branded name product will be truly better and at what price?
I am afraid to risk buying anything anyway and the idea to bought 5 or 6 thousand dollars speakers to upgrade these Mission Cyrus 781 paid 50 bucks used, which produced enough bass clarity to spare me a subwoofer i never used anyway and which are very good quality speakers for their price range is for me insane and a frightening risk....
Then i am done with audio i listen music many hours each day.... The sound dont bother me at all it is good in my 2 listening position and i trash my 7 headphones then....
I apologize for my navigation out of the meteorite island here in the dreaming sea...
The key to audio is ACOUSTIC.... all the rest all my other devices were very useful but not on the same transforming level....My mechanical equalizer is powerful for tuning a room and i am very proud of this idea...
If this thread is useful it will be to give this only advice: audio joy is linked to a dedicated room where someone can control acoustic.... Simple....But no audio magazine ever said this truth clearly, normal they sell pieces of gear.... And i remind you that my acoustic passive and active controls never cost me more than a dime.... Then this truth is too dangerous to be said loud..... πππππππππππππ
Thanks for your interest....
My best to you.....My deepest respect....