2 Ohm Tekton Pendragons

I was just looking at the new models at Tekton. They have a very interesting new version of the Pendragon with the 5-driver array from the Dynamo Monitor. Looks good. But it's $2200/pr loudspeaker. Is there a similarly priced audiophile quality amplifier that can consistently drive a 2 ohm load. And that's an average rating which means that it must dip below 2 ohms at some frequencies. 

Does this puzzle anyone other than me?

@mapman .
@mofojo ,
@OP, other than something like a Class A Pass or D'Agostino, I can't think of an amp that would be suitable for such a low impedance.
I looked at the website and the Pendragon had 8 and 4 ohm options.  Didn't see anything about 2 ohm.
@onhwy61 ,
Much depends upon where the 2 ohm dip occurs. If it is in the bass region, it would severely tax just about any amplifier.- And, that isn't including any phase shift.
Sunfire 300 or 600. 
Sanders Magtech 

Odyssey Kismets   

    Sanders Magtech will drive about any load you can hook up to her.     Anyone read Magtech review with those MBL Radialstrahler speakers, and the Magtechs controlled them without breaking a sweat.