Pass XP12. Tame, Anemic?

just got a Pass xp 12 pre and it seems very “tame” “un-dynamic” it’s very nice and transparent but rather bland and doesn’t seem “alive” kind of “sleepy@.  I also expected more and tighter bass than my 6h30 tube pre.  I have on a trial and awaiting a LTA mz3 next week to compare.  Anybody experience this? Is the xp22 noticeably more dynamic? I’m pariing with Pass xa25 and Klipsh Cornwalls.  I never would have thought I had to worry about the Cornwalls sounding too tame. 
Thanks for any perspective 
What cables are you using?

Not heard of an XP piece being bad.
The more tame the horn tweeter, the better. 
   Give her a month of listening, often it is YOU that needs to get accustomed to a new component. 

      Try some silver ICs’.  
       Had an issue with my Sanders preamp the first couple weeks, tried different rca’s, etc.  
  truth is the Sanders pre is extremely accurate, and it’s the old saying “good in, good out”
     A very nice preamp,  do you leave her on all the time? If not, leave on for a few days, with everything else on, amp, source, etc.  don’t listen to anything, but give it a few days, then give a listen.

Hi OP,

Try Ayre and Luxman as direct contrasts. I'll be very curiuos what you find.


Using Blue Jeans rca cables.  It’s a demo, not sure how many hours on it. I’ve had it turned on for about 24 hrs. Yes I thought I wouldn’t be able to over tame the horns...but I think I have.
Erik, I respect a lot of your info, what are your reasons for not having high regard for Pass? I really would like to hear your general thoughts on this brand.  I am researching Luxman, I have the impression they are generally a more neutral, dynamic sound?