@mahgister said:
My S.Q. is so good to me that any system at any cost does not give me the urge to upgrade.... Not so much the wrong way you claim it is is’n it?....
While I completely agree that the room and educating one's ears/listening is critical, this last claim of yours is where you go too far, in my opinion. You are right that many people believe that only gear matters -- or that they believe too much in gear and spending a lot of money for gear. If they don't pay attention to the whole sound environment, they are making a mistake. That is all true. But you are willing to take these very valid points to claim that "any system at any cost" doesn't give you the urge to upgrade? Are you saying something here only about your own feelings? Or are you saying that gear doesn't matter? In other words, are you claiming that if someone gave you much better gear than what you have -- and you did all your embedding and listening, etc. with it -- it would not sound better? If that is true, than I find your ears less trustworthy than if you simply admit that everything, properly integrated, makes a difference. So, what is your opinion, please? Could better gear -- for you -- make a difference?