2 Ohm Tekton Pendragons

I was just looking at the new models at Tekton. They have a very interesting new version of the Pendragon with the 5-driver array from the Dynamo Monitor. Looks good. But it's $2200/pr loudspeaker. Is there a similarly priced audiophile quality amplifier that can consistently drive a 2 ohm load. And that's an average rating which means that it must dip below 2 ohms at some frequencies. 

Does this puzzle anyone other than me?

Everybody has bought into the same BS. Even Duke, yes Audiokinesis, told me buy the 8 ohm Moab. One small thing however. Pay attention please! I said well, Eric recommends the 4 ohm version, says it sounds better.  

And Duke said, (are you paying attention people? Because this is the really important part) he said, "8 ohms is all things being equal, which they never are, the designer knows better if he says 4 go with 4."

There you have it. All the blather, every last bit of it, all it boils down to is a bunch of guys who do not freaking have a clue think they know better than the guy who does this for a living! 

Its the armchair electrical engineers vs the guy actually building world class speakers.  

Are you all really that arrogant? Or.... is it willful ignorance?
Two different issues,
1 4 ohm speakers are common these days so in that regard nothing out of the ordinary for Tekton to choose that route. If a 4 ohm load is relatively flat and avoids steep phase angles (Particularly at lower frequencies) many amplifiers can manage that. I drove a friend’s 4 ohm  Double Impacts with my 300b SET without any problems.

2 The topic of this thread is more specifically referencing 2 ohm nominal speaker loads. This is not a common choice at all and for good reason . Many posters on this thread have givenlogical reasons as to why this is so.
Big difference between 2 ohm versus 4 ohm nominal speaker impedance loads.

One is commonplace and the other is rare (For very good reasons). Who has even questioned the 4 ohm Moabs (Probably very similar to the Double Impacts mentioned earlier). It is not the topic as it’s not a 2 ohm load.


Pot calling the kettle black.

It’s no secret that some on this forum tend to deify the designers of gear they own. And pity the fools who dare to question the alter upon which some sacrifice so freely.

The Apogees and their super low impedance are certainly a curiosity. The type of speaker they were and how they were designed , required them to have the ratings they did. 
But a traditional box speaker with a 2ohm nominal impedance?

Why? To play louder with more distortion?

To each their own. Amps feed speakers. Demanding speakers stress amps. A stressed amp, distorts. If that’s what you want, enjoy.
And why, is it that some separate amp designers and speaker designers so adamantly? Each has to have a solid understanding of what the other does, otherwise, it ain’t gonna sound too good.

Whatever happened to Apogee Scintillas?  They certainly sounded good driven by limitless Class A that doubled up power down to 2 ohm anyway.

I guess 1 ohm speakers may not catch on again?