Cables ... no longer opinion

PS Audio has already did the research. The answers are available forevermore.
The testing is sound, and not flawed. Their test results find exactly the same results my cable manufacturer found and preached. Josh from Downsize Audio Cables also found two strips of foils, stacked on top of each other and secured together made the best sounding speaker cables. I've tried all kinds of hyper expensive cables to dethrone the Downsize Audio foils ... NOTHING comes close at any price.
      Downsize used a genuine teflon backed adhesive tape, double sided too, and custom rolled, extra thin foil of 6N purity. BUT he told me a person can get 90% of the same sound quality, using off the shelf inductor foils and standard thin packing tape. Try it and save tens of thousands of dollars.
Which btw, thanks for that, flaxxer.
You say the cutest things that only souls who think like you would understand and I’m so thankful I’m not one of them.
Seems I overlooked the fact that the handle for the OP is flaxxer, so, my bad. I'm just used to you using all manner of jargon to describe people. Everything else I said is as said.

All the best,
Two ribbons placed together is obviously the best for SPEAKER cables. It's an immediate consequence of Maxwell's Equations. Just as two small conductors separated by a significant distance is the best for line level. That's assuming equal dielectric to take dielectric absorption out of the picture.

Doesn't require an experiment. It's immediate from the physics.
You can think of it as (1) speakers must have low inductance and (2) line level must have low capacitance. The cables and the equipment terminations form LR and RC filters respectively. But it doesn't matter much if lengths are short.